BCMS Limited
243/1 Constitution Street
Mosta, MST 9052

T: +356 2142-1111
M: +356 9947-5566
F: +356 2141-7118
E: rkg@bcmsltd.com

Dispute Resolution

Inevitably entities or the people running them will find themselves involved in disputes with suppliers, customers employees or authorities.

  • We assist companies by mediating with the third parties to avoid having a dispute from escalating thereby reducing the cost of business interruption;
  • We focus on  developing  win-win situations for both or all parties so that resolving disputes does not become a loss for any party. We do this by drawing on our experience to spot and negotiate compromises and group participation to ensure all parties benefit. We use our persuasive skills to ensue that all parties see compromise and co-operation more or at least as important as ego and competition;
  • Where the above avenues fail, and court litigation becomes inevitable we are well linked in the profession to be able to recommend legal firms who specialize in the field of your dispute to assist you. Such legal professionals can assist by representing you before authorities including the courts, tribunals, arbitrators and mediators;